Armor Glass® Security Films

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Armor Your Glass Against Shooters

Shooters are an increasing threat to our schools and offices. A shooter can blow out a tempered glass door or window in a second or two. But a glass window or door on which Armor Glass® security films have been installed will hold the glass in place after it is blasted, keeping the shooter at the exposed entrance and buying valuable time for those inside – and for police to find him and engage.

While no film can stop a bullet (those claiming otherwise are lying to you), Armor Glass®8 mil security films—the same film used on the Pentagon and federal buildings in DC after 911—turns glass into a “blockade” that delays the shooter from entering. The bullets make holes the size of bullets, not large enough for a human to crawl through. The shooter will have to reload and try again and again, giving police time to find him still exposed at the entrance instead of in some hallway or classroom.

On tempered glass (which is all commercial glass), Armor Glass® security films need to be bonded to the frames with a “structural sealant” like GE Silpruf 2000 that “anchors” the film to the frame. This is what holds the glass and film to the frames after a shooter has struck it. Without that bonding, the film and glass would fall out, leaving a bare frame. It is vital that this frame bonding be applied correctly to avoid failure upon impact. Because if it fails, the protection is gone.

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