Business Processes Inc.

PO Box 1456
La Jolla, CA 92038

About Business Processes Inc.

We are BPI, Business Processes Inc. Founded in 1977 our specialty has always been critical thinking training – application of thinking to issues of concern through logical, systematic and practical methods. From day one we have always put PRACTICAL as of key importance in our product designs. Our resident critical thinking expert charged with product development is Richard C. Wells, our VP of Research & Development. He has been active with us since 1978.

He is the author of the Troubleshooter I Certificate program. In addition to teaching hundreds of workshops and facilitating thousands of direct applications to the real life problems, decisions and plans of participants, teams and managers, and coaching our team of facilitators, he has authored six texts and designed, tested and perfected all our workshops.

Based upon real life applications he helped resolve, he has tailored 35 different case study packages covering all major industries, writing dozens of new case studies and hundreds of skill building exercises. He designed our instructor training, facilitator and coaching workshops including detailed instructor and facilitation guides. He also has designed and written our 11 web-based courses offering all of our BPI content online for the first time.

Competitors of Business Processes Inc.

For more than 25 years, has been the trusted partner of security, fire, and life safety organizations, large and small. Today, is known throughout the industry as the premier provider of technical education, essential skills training, continuing education, and our... Read More

Moxie Media Inc

Moxie Media is a full-service occupational health and safety training content provider, founded in 1985 in New Orleans by Martin Glenday, our President and Executive Producer. We are a one-stop business and industry resource center for keeping your company and its employees in compliance with... Read More

Security Concepts Group was founded on over 15 years of international security experience both in hostile and non-hostile environments. Our security managment techniques are based on internationally recognized standards to include ASIS, SHRM, International Organization of Standards (ISO) and... Read More